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WHY you need to bake sweet potatoes NOW!


I want to stand on top of a mountain and tell the entire world how amazing my sweet potato snack was. Sounds a bit ridiculous, right? I know it does but it seriously was so good so I have to share it. I want everyone to read this and take action, make it, then let me know what you thought. Deal? Kapeesh?

First let me tell you a few of the benefits of sweet potatoes and why you should eat them for your carb intake for the day.

- They are high in vitamin B6

-They are a good source of vitamin C

- They contain vitamin D

-They are a great source of iron

-They have loads of fiber and potassium

-Great source of beta-carotene

Okay so today I baked two medium sweet potatoes in the oven.

1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. Cut sweet potatoes into 1/4 inch pieces or however you want to cut them lol

3. Coat pan with 2 tsp of coconut oil

4. Toss potatoes so they are all touching the coconut oil

5. Bake for 60 minutes

6. Add cinnamon and enjoy while still warm!


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